Made in "Your Country Here" ; Is it important to you?
It came up in discussion for me the other day when a friend came over and we were chatting about music equipment. He "only" plays American Made Fender Stratocasters, and American Made Gibson Les Paul's, and only uses Mesa Boogie Amps, because "Americans are getting over run by other countries because no one buys our stuff."

When he saw my Bass system, he was dismayed, because I use a German Pre-Amp, a British Power Amp, and both of my Basses are made my European Manufacturers.

He was visibly irritated that I didn't have a single "Made in the USA" item except for my speakers.

I was a little surprised really. So I mentioned it to a couple of other people, and realized that they try to buy as American as possible as well.

For Food, I care about how local it is. Most everything else? I just care that it works / fits / does what its supposed to do, and that I'm getting a good bang for the buck so to speak.
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RE: Made in "Your Country Here" ; Is it important to you? - by shoju - 10-03-2012, 05:27 PM

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