My wife sweet talked our ISP into a bandwidth upgrade.
(09-07-2012, 07:41 AM)NuurAbSaal Wrote: Maybe your wife could do the same for me? 75Mb/s sounds beastly.

It was kind of funny. She was on the phone questioning a few things about our bill (she always nitpicks every charge, bless her stingy heart), and got the salesguy to upgrade us from our old plan to the new one for only $4 more per month. She did it because it gives us 20GB more towards our bandwidth cap, and we also got a free new HD cable box and a new Cisco modem/router. She told me "the salesguy said it's also a bit faster". When I plugged in the new modem, I wasn't expecting a 7x speed boost.

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RE: My wife sweet talked our ISP into a bandwidth upgrade. - by DeeBye - 09-08-2012, 02:54 AM

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