Minion-based soloing builds are awesome in Inferno difficulty.
How necessary is Jungle Fortitude to the pet build?

I've been playing with a Grave Injustice build recently that absolutely destroys things. The build has allowed me to progress further through act III and I should be able to push into act IV or even finish Inferno with it.

I've been specifically avoiding pets (Barring the 10% dogs from Grasp of the Dead) but I'm willing to bet that if Jungle Fortitude isn't necessary for pets you could merge our two builds into something fairly mean.

The great thing I've found with the Grave Injustice build is that it isn't totally reliable on any specific skill and can be adjusted in many ways to suit playstyle.

Edit: Present build swapped out Blood Ritual for Circle of Life. Tried playing with Garg instead of Hex, but can't stand the loss of my little imp. Taking a whole champion out of a fight is just too strong. I really enjoy the constant dogs popping up but I'm not sure if they offer enough to warrant the loss of so much health regen that I would have from Blood Ritual. Blood Ritual with my present gearing offers upwards of 700 lps.

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RE: Minion-based soloing builds are awesome in Inferno difficulty. - by Chesspiece_face - 08-25-2012, 05:25 AM

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