Data mined client changes. Pretty good overview of skill changes and some hints about unique procs, but the biggest news is "Paragon Levels":
So there's your post-60 "leveling" system. This is potentially a decent solution to the "good drops get rarer the better your gear gets" problem too, at the risk of increasing haves-have nots discrepency. (I dislike the gold find actually, we don't need more inflation in the hands of those with tons of cash as is.) Might discourage alting though, if the cap is effectively very high like D1 / D2 classic.
Data mined client changes. Pretty good overview of skill changes and some hints about unique procs, but the biggest news is "Paragon Levels":
Quote:Levels string1: You are now earning Paragon XP!
Each Paragon Level you gain grants a Gold and Magic Find bonus.
So there's your post-60 "leveling" system. This is potentially a decent solution to the "good drops get rarer the better your gear gets" problem too, at the risk of increasing haves-have nots discrepency. (I dislike the gold find actually, we don't need more inflation in the hands of those with tons of cash as is.) Might discourage alting though, if the cap is effectively very high like D1 / D2 classic.