Information about upcoming 1.0.4 patch
Looks like a huuuge step in the right direction. Removing the enrage timers on elites/full heal, lowering the repair costs a bit, and getting rid of Invulnerable Minions are significant - these changes alone should make the game a much more fun experience, though only time will tell for sure. Looks like they are finally trying to balance it, and make it less of a gear check. There's probably going to be a few pissed off players that liked some of these mechanics but lets face it, these things HAD to be changed, even if only half the populace was discontent, that is still a huge portion of players - though I think most would agree on the enrage timers/full health regen and IM, the repair costs maybe less so. All in all, looking forward to see how this pans out.

Still, there a couple concerns I have that are not mentioned here - the lack of randomization being one of them. I think this is crucial, because even if they make the mechanics near-perfect and I end up enjoying the game again, lack of randomization will still greatly hurt the longevity of the game. I'd like to see alot more random maps (though maybe a bit more generous on the arrows so I dont spend an hour looking for where I need to go), and also more randomization on the monster types that show up. On D1, you could enter the catacombs and have the prospect of facing skeletons, zombies, bats and scavengers, or you may have goatmen, gargoyles, spitters, or almost any combination of said critters. I'd like to see more of this on D3. Right now, we always know which monsters will show up. Also, the economy and inflation is still a very big issue.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)

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RE: Information about upcoming 1.0.4 patch - by FireIceTalon - 08-10-2012, 06:04 PM

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