Dems and GOP are fun to bash, but so are Libertarians...
(08-04-2012, 07:53 PM)RedRadical Wrote: Sorry Kandrathe.
Apology accepted.

Brought to you by Connor Kilpatrick -- editor of "Jacobin magazine". That is Jacobin as defined -- "In modern American politics, the term Jacobin is often used to describe extremists of any party who demand ideological purity."

In this case, extreme left. Would you tolerate a blow hard like Rush Limbaugh defining the socialist movement? Why should I care what Connor Kilpatrick or Bhaskar Sunkara think about Libertarians. It was written to titillate their readership, so they could remain smugly superior. When you are young, and in college its cool to love Che, wear a beret, and read radical french leftist poetry all in the hopes of impressing your potential Friday night date. Wake me up when they've grown up enough to discuss the merits of Republican Democracy, or the potential issues of six decades of our central bankers funding a war machine on debt and inflation.

There are aspects of certain factions within what is defined as broadly accepted as Libertarian with which I am queasy (e.g. NORML, or Lew Rockwell.) Just as I'm sure many Democrats, or Republicans would have issues with certain groups sharing their big tent. Maybe the Progressives vs New Democrats, or Neocons versus Reaganites.

But... what Archon said here really resonated. This is about attacking and dividing.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: Dems and GOP are fun to bash, but so are Libertarians... - by kandrathe - 08-06-2012, 03:04 AM

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