Loot -- Be Careful of What You Wish For
Yeah, I don't know in what magical universe people were living in where good gear rained from the sky (in D2).

The reality is that you had to wade through a virtual cornucopia of crap before you found anything interesting in D2, just like D3. It's just that good stuff that you did find in D2 was cooler than D3's onslaught of rares.

One thing I would like in D3 is an increased legendary drop rate. Generally, by the time you clear hell with a character in D2 you'll have gotten several uniques, exceptional uniques, and a handful of elite uniques as well.

Legendaries in D3 appear to be much, much rarer, in addition to being crap. Hopefully 1.04 will address both issues.

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RE: Loot -- Be Careful of What You Wish For - by Athenau - 07-15-2012, 10:36 PM

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