The Unstoppable Force vs The Immovable Object
I'm near the end of Act 2 with my 2-hander build (see above). Sitting at 5800 armor, 500-600 resists, 35k life, and 44k dps, which is enough to farm the first half of the act comfortably. I took too many deaths past Dahlgur oasis, so clearly I need one or two more gear upgrades before proceeding.

It's getting expensive to buy upgrades off the AH. I have a feeling I'm going to hit a brick wall once I reach Act III. I guess I'll have to start using the blacksmith more (but he can't craft ilvl 63 stuff), but until now it's been way more efficient to sell crafting mats for gold and buy what I need.

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RE: The Unstoppable Force vs The Immovable Object - by Athenau - 07-12-2012, 03:33 PM

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