The Diablo Formula and how Diablo 3 falls short
Indeed, if I was in control, this game would be nerfed to the ground. But I would add in challenges that actually require skill and tactical play instead of relying on a stupid difficult, near-impossible system that relies on artificial mechanics and boring items. The challenge would be there, but without the frustration and punishment that the current game has.

The potions suck anyways, most of them dont even give you back 1/3 of your life, so why put a CD on them?

I can see CD's on extremely powerful skills like WoTB, Archon, Fetish Army, or Seven Sided Strike.....but CD's on important defensive skills (see Teleport, DS,) is just lame and un-fun.

I don't see the big deal with death zerging either. Lame as it may be, if someone paid their hard-earned money for a game, they can play how THEY like so long as they don't cheat - Blizz has absolutely zero right to force anyone to play a certain way. If they don't want people death zerging, then take out the bullshit cheesy mechanics that make death in Inferno a certainty. Give the players control of their chars back - the problem isn't the players the problem is the GAME ITSELF - blaming the players is a copout. Really, things like jailer, waller, frozen bombs, and vortex really are cheap and have no place in this game (especially since the monsters have no CD's and can chain cast them) - neither does invulnerable minions, reflects damage, or shielding. Not to mention most elites have an asinine amount of health. The punishment for dying is already there - loss of time and having to clear an area to progress that a superior geared char would clear much easier. Inferno's mechanics are designed in a way that you WILL die - no matter how skilled you are or how careful you play. There is no skill involved in Inferno, it is all based on your items and getting "easy" rolls on monster traits. Even if there was skill, I still don't think the absurd repair costs would be justified, but they sure as hell aren't now. They discourage progression and it is just another mechanic that punishes the player much more than they should be. Why should I have to go back to Act 1 to farm gold for repairs because I died a few times in Act 3? That is ridiculous.

The most important thing, as Eso mentioned, is that a game is fun, and D3's endgame comes up way short there for the majority, and it is mostly for the reasons I mentioned above.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)

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RE: The Diablo Formula and how Diablo 3 falls short - by FireIceTalon - 07-09-2012, 09:26 AM

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