Quick Poll to the International Members of The Lounge!
(07-09-2012, 04:27 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: We should swap 'war' stories.

I have too many to tell. The worst I ever saw was an older, well-dressed man that literally started screaming at the top of his lungs in the middle of the store. He wanted to buy some soup that was on sale, but the particular flavour he wanted was sold out. The store had plenty of Chicken Noodle, Vegetable, and Cream of Mushroom flavours, but he wanted Tomato. When he saw that the store had no Tomato soup cans left for sale he went into a rage.

This guy straight up acted like a screaming child having a temper tantrum because he couldn't buy a 30-cent can of soup. It was then that I lost a lot of hope for humanity, and promised myself that I will never get angry about a 30-cent can of soup.

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RE: Quick Poll to the International Members of The Lounge! - by DeeBye - 07-09-2012, 05:43 AM

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