Quick Poll to the International Members of The Lounge!
(07-09-2012, 12:10 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: Common thread in all this, stupidity knows no boundaries of any sort.

I don't think it's stupidity as much as it is the increasing sense of self-entitlement people have. I want <this> right now at <low cost> because I think I deserve it and I AM GOING TO YELL VERY LOUDLY LIKE A 4 YEAR OLD THROWING A TEMPER TANTRUM UNTIL I GET MY WAY!

I recently got out of working retail, and saw this daily. The worst part is that those loud-yelling jerks often get their way, which just reinforces their behavior.

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RE: Quick Poll to the International Members of The Lounge! - by DeeBye - 07-09-2012, 03:21 AM

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