Quick Poll to the International Members of The Lounge!
(07-05-2012, 06:16 PM)shoju Wrote: I'm coming to realize that this was just a guy who ordered something at 5pm, and expected that his order was going to be handled, and shipped out instantaneously. His nationality has become less the issue, and its more about him being NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.

That's what it sounds like. Even if you have a huge text banner page with sound that says you are closed on such and such date for the following reason, some people will still not read it.

I've also dealt with people who don't know the holidays of the country they live in, never mind some other country.

Common thread in all this, stupidity knows no boundaries of any sort.

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RE: Quick Poll to the International Members of The Lounge! - by Hammerskjold - 07-09-2012, 12:10 AM

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