Quick Poll to the International Members of The Lounge!
(07-05-2012, 05:54 PM)Bolty Wrote: If you work in any industry that has international ties, you get to know the holidays of various countries. If not, you don't.

I'd say your customer from Trinidad and Tobago has a bit of a right to be annoyed - there should have been some sort of notification when he ordered from you that orders placed after X time on the 3rd would not be fulfilled until July 5th. The expectation that people from around the world should be intimately aware of holidays in the United States is one of those things that everyone else in the world gets mad at us Americans for.

I mean, who schedules a holiday for a Wednesday, honestly? Smile

If he didn't know we weren't open on the 4th of July, he didn't pay attention to anything on the website.

He also didn't read the portion about ordering, that states that anything ordered after 1pm EST isn't guaranteed for same day shipment.

I'm coming to realize that this was just a guy who ordered something at 5pm, and expected that his order was going to be handled, and shipped out instantaneously. His nationality has become less the issue, and its more about him being NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.

He wouldn't have been happy had he ordered it July 2nd, at 2:30pm, either.
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RE: Quick Poll to the International Members of The Lounge! - by shoju - 07-05-2012, 06:16 PM

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