Hotfix 6/28 -- Item drop rate changes
(06-29-2012, 07:29 PM)Concillian Wrote: It also decreases the barrier to entry for people who are just moving into being 60 and can get away with the less than perfect affix combos.
The perfect affix combos will always be expensive, but it does push some of the less than perfect stuff into being more available.

Which decreases the perceived 'need' for the AH, at least for the more patient people. Nothing helps for those who have to have it 'now'.

Also, it helps you feel more progression if you get more small upgrades as you head toward that 'great' item.

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RE: Hotfix 6/28 -- Item drop rate changes - by Mavfin - 06-29-2012, 07:33 PM

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