06-29-2012, 01:34 AM
Maybe Blizzard would understand this:
The basic problem is that you need a certain level of gear to play. Let's say finishing A1 Inferno requires an IQ (Item Quality) of 1,000.
The problem isn't that not enough items are dropping, or their ilvl, the problem is almost every item property is worth about 1-3 points. Only things like +% life, +% damage, +% crit damage, +vitality, or resist all are worth double digit amounts of points. For reference: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5911942964 second post is very in detail discussion of what affixes are good on WD gear (and for the most part, everyone, subbing int for whatever your damage stat is.) He even uses a star rating system which probably equates pretty well to my IQ suggestion.
It's just that almost every affix is trash because of how harshly the math is against the player. It's going to be a really thin line between too hard, just right, and too easy, and I don't envy Blizzard trying to sort it all out. At least we know no one's calling Inferno too easy.
The basic problem is that you need a certain level of gear to play. Let's say finishing A1 Inferno requires an IQ (Item Quality) of 1,000.
The problem isn't that not enough items are dropping, or their ilvl, the problem is almost every item property is worth about 1-3 points. Only things like +% life, +% damage, +% crit damage, +vitality, or resist all are worth double digit amounts of points. For reference: https://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5911942964 second post is very in detail discussion of what affixes are good on WD gear (and for the most part, everyone, subbing int for whatever your damage stat is.) He even uses a star rating system which probably equates pretty well to my IQ suggestion.
It's just that almost every affix is trash because of how harshly the math is against the player. It's going to be a really thin line between too hard, just right, and too easy, and I don't envy Blizzard trying to sort it all out. At least we know no one's calling Inferno too easy.