Hotfix 6/28 -- Item drop rate changes
Lissa, there are a heck of a lot less affixes now than before, not more. The main issue is game balance. Inferno requires EXTREMELY high gear stats that require all players to have absurdly high DPS, absurdly high armour and absurdly high resistances. No exceptions. As such, only very particular affix combinations (eg +xxx-xxx damage and +dmg% and +crit dmg% and +primary stat) allow you to reach these minimums. As a result, anything that is not perfect will just not let you progress. In Diablo/Diablo II, equipment was far less important (build dependent, of cause). As such, it did not overly matter if you had light radius affixes, or other such largely meaningless ones that were removed in Diablo III.

As for this hotfix, I am not impressed. As others have said, it completely fails to address any of the core issues and shows a complete lack of comprehension to what they are. Perhaps the signal to noise ratio is so bad that Blizzard are having trouble filtering out what the actual issues are.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.

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RE: Hotfix 6/28 -- Item drop rate changes - by Elric of Grans - 06-28-2012, 10:52 PM

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