Tactics for Diablo (spoilers, obv.)
Oddly I didn't see either of the fire attacks people are describing (circle or fire pools), I did see the DoT one, Bone Prisons, and the lightning breath. Maybe he doesn't use those two in normal. I DID notice Ice Armour was perfectly capable of chilling/freezing him. Hadn't remembered Frost Nova (although I do have Teleport and Diamond Skin as MJ suggested.)

It's sort of annoying that Diamond Skin is basically required for Wizards, but on the other hand, I'm glad it's an option. It's nice to have a skill where I can be very temporarily near-invincible while forcing things to stay in a Meteor or Blizzard radius.

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RE: Tactics for Diablo (spoilers, obv.) - by ViralSpiral - 06-26-2012, 02:02 AM

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