Tactics for Diablo (spoilers, obv.)
By gap I mean the one character length gap from his body to the point where the lightning breath actually started that you could safely stand in in D2. Not sure if that was even intentional but it's still there.

He pasted me (only) 4 times, but there was a second player in the game when he spawned, so I was doing solo-2. Not by design, but that's how it worked out. I was keeping him far enough offscreen that I didn't see him most of the time so I don't know if there's a visual cue that he's about to do his lightning breath, but all my deaths were bone cage then immediately breathing on me after he threw me back down. If Diamond Skin was on timer, I died. Splat. But yeah, I learned to do a lot of running and letting potion timer end. Think I had 16 life regen at that point, but 2600 odd life.

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RE: Tactics for Diablo (spoilers, obv.) - by ViralSpiral - 06-25-2012, 10:06 PM

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