So just what was Belial's plan there?
Yeah, honestly I found the minion conversations and Shen much more interesting than the main plot. Haedrig also seems to be one of the few emotionally stable people anywhere. He has realistic reactions to everything and he's just some guy trying to do his job.

(More on Bad Writing Theatre: Having the souls of people you "wronged" show up to yell at you. This would be fine if the gameplay did not FORCE you to wrong them. If there were, for example, more than one way to resolve the quest with Haedrig's wife, then it'd be fine if she showed up later and chided you for picking the violent option. As is, all I thought was "guilt trips only work if I had a choice in the matter.")

I'm starting to feel like I'm writing that post Spiderdrake did for D2 about how Greiz was the only sane person in the game. Except this time it's Haedrig. Shen's kind of a nutbag. Cool, but a nutbag. Leah stupids her way through everything (and then blames the player herp a derp), none of the mercs are stable people, every angel is a moron except Auriel. Heck, I was depressed when someone else killed Imperius. I wanted to fry the bastard myself. I mean I seriously question how half these people made it to adulthood. Tyrael, as mentioned, is the most gullible git ever. Although he at least gets up and does something this game instead of constantly being too late/useless. I wonder if they go through a course to learn how to write the stupidest possible people so that they can make these plots work.

Also: Shen only starts as annoying because when you first find him, his talk dialogue triggers like EVERY TEN SECONDS, as opposed to the ten or fifteen minutes for your mercs. But I guess they wanted to make sure you heard all his conversations before you got him to town. Which makes me think Dirgest will indeed be part of an expansion (I expect two expansions, for the record - one to raise level cap to 80 and another for 99.)

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RE: So just what was Belial's plan there? - by ViralSpiral - 06-25-2012, 08:18 PM

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