So just what was Belial's plan there?
Prime Evils, and their assorted minions, should be seen, not heard. Even if the previous games did not necessarily have better plots, their plots certainly were presented better because the only time any major antagonist pretty much ever addressed the player character directly (or, outside of FMVs, said much of anything) was through a one-liner immediately prior to a fight. Other than that, all you did was brave the wake of destruction they left behind in a seemingly hopeless attempt to catch up to and stop them, which drove the point home better than any quantity of moustache-twirling blathering about the evildoer's latest nefarious scheme ever can. Less really is more sometimes.

D3, on the other hand, has its numerous villains talk at you incessantly, especially Fat Kitty and Big D, and it's simply tiresome. (Cydaea gets a pass because Claudia Black. Heart) That what they do have to say is peculiarly insipid merely adds insult to injury.

And no, "it's a Diablo game, who cares about the story!" really isn't an excuse as far as I'm concerned. Why should it be, especially when they've done a better job in the past?
And the days are not full enough
And the nights are not full enough
And life slips by like a field mouse
____________.Not shaking the grass.
-- Ezra Pound, "And the days are not full enough"

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RE: So just what was Belial's plan there? - by MMAgCh - 06-24-2012, 06:51 PM

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