(06-24-2012, 06:25 PM)ViralSpiral Wrote: Seriously, Blizzard, if you need a new writer, just let me know. I can do much better than this tripe.
In fairness to them, it's not an easy job. There isn't usually time in the development process to do the necessary work: write a plot, evaluate it, scrap it, modify it, scrap that, write it again, etc... since almost every worker and resource on the game has to know at least vaguely what the plot is, in order to develop the dialogue writing, the VA, the graphics, the music, the cinematics, and so on. The overarching plot has to be locked down fast.
Plus, you have to contend with multiple voices - it's rare that one writer just gets to sit down, write the plot, and has enough authority (literally!) to keep it intact. Committees, managers, publishers, everyone wants their say, and it's not always a productive process.
Metzen and D3, though... big name, long development cycle? This shouldn't have been as much of a problem as it is.