So just what was Belial's plan there?
Yeah, see, Maghda was...awful all around. And D1's backstory in the manual at least was actually good - if you don't remember, that's basically what all the books in A1 of D3 recount. The only part I didn't see mentioned was Leoric's paranoid war with Westmarch when he was going insane. Which should have been mentioned since Westmarch gets mentioned in A3. (Coincidentally, the mention - that Westmarch would not send real soldiers to fight imaginary demon lords - makes NO GODDAMNED SENSE since Westmarch is practically in shouting distance of Tristram, and should know damned well that demon lords exist.) I mean...there's just so much terrible writing here. Leah's poorly written, I'm having my doubts about Adria, the characters pronounce Azmodan at least three different ways, Kulle was...ugh. No spoilers but he does nothing that is not predictable. Yeah, I don't know what Azmodan is doing at Harrogath Arreat either, I'm guessing his job is to be a distraction for whatever Diablo is plotting.

No, I can't say I predicted what the falling star would be, but then that's probably because D2 dropped about five hints that indicated that particular character was going to turn evil or be corrupted or was an illusion or something, so it's hard to predict something that blatantly contradicts its own source material. That's the nature of my's not that the plot or writing is simplistic - I expect that, it's an excuse plot after all - but it's just awful at every turn. Covetous Shen and his possible identity is more interesting and better written than every other part of the game I've seen so far. I'm also not quite sure how this MacGuffin happened. The original ones were angelic creations made specifically for their intended purpose, but then this random Horadrim guy went and made a better one all by himself. Which...I dunno. Maybe it's because I've watched Ghostbusters, but I don't see this thing working out very well at all.

I'd bitch about bringing back Cain just to kill him off, but the guy had to be over 100 or so anyhow. I guess it's better than a random offscreen death by old age. They could have at least let him live another half act or so though. I just...ugh. The master of lies who doesn't try lying hardly at all and the master tactician of broadcasting his every plan? How's Diablo going to top these two? Maybe he'll help me kill him slightly more directly?

Seriously, Blizzard, if you need a new writer, just let me know. I can do much better than this tripe.

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RE: So just what was Belial's plan there? - by ViralSpiral - 06-24-2012, 06:25 PM

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