So just what was Belial's plan there?
I mean, I don't get it. I'm sure shitty writing is ultimately the answer, but hey.

First, you're a demon lord of Hell. You don't really need more power. Secondly, power in the mortal realm can't be that big a deal.

The plan? To disguise/possess the ten year old child-emperor of the biggest city on the eastern continent. Which could possibly work except that he uses a fairly large vocabulary, discusses big political concepts, and astrally projects himself to the player to communicate. His excuse for this is he stole an amulet from a wizard he'd seen using it. I'm sure it came with operating instructions on the back, too, written for a ten year old who probably had no talent or training for magic. Herp a derp.

Then he offers to discover Belial's identity (and when he "finds" it, gives the player an evasive answer WHICH IS NOT AT ALL SUSPICIOUS) while acting like it's a big secret. Bro, you took over the town and started ordering hundreds of executions and demons started tormenting the local citizenry. There's no mystery here at all. We know it's you. Nevermind that your disguise/possession of the ten year old kid turned his skin greenish. I mean he's running this city into the ground so hard that the entire reason the hero is there is because rumours of how hard the city was being run into the ground reached the western continent.

This isn't the Lord of Lies vibe I'm getting here. This is more like "really bad Batman villain." I'd think if I were a demon lord of deception, I'd choose to be someone inconsequential and sow discord subtly, not "become major public figure and act in a manner utterly contradictory to that figure's interests." This is real zero-effort territory here, Blizzard.

This guy's plan is basically walking into the Microsoft board of directors meeting and acting like he belongs there while talking like a political science professor. YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ANYONE. YOU'RE NOT EVEN TRYING. Seriously, Disney villains put up more believable facades.

Messages In This Thread
So just what was Belial's plan there? - by ViralSpiral - 06-24-2012, 02:23 PM

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