Affecting the Seeding of Hidden Shrines?
Jarulf,Jul 17 2003, 12:31 PM Wrote:I believe that starting games after each other also increases the chance to get a seed from a previous game.
I believe that I've posted the MP answers on the DSF - about 3 years ago IIRC.

The 'randomizing' of shrine seeds is accomplished by entering dungeon levels in any game - but the probability for a change of the initial seed (when NO game has been created yet!) is pretty low, about 1:20 (WAG here) but likely even less. Thus, in the first game created after starting Diablo the seed is pretty much non-random (I did too few tests to know you'll ever find a "non-zero" seed in the first dungeon level you enter in the first game).

The legit's shrine hunt rule therefore are
- do NOT quit Diablo between games
- visit as many different dungeon levels as possible (even just popping your head in and out is sufficient - no need to kill critters or follow some weird ritual)



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Affecting the Seeding of Hidden Shrines? - by Finnan Haddie - 07-18-2003, 12:20 PM

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