06-15-2012, 05:31 PM
RIP for my Witch Doctor. Ran into one of those enclosures in one of the Highlands. There must have been a pack of 20 mobs in there, including an elite pack. My build at that moment didn't really have much in the way of good AoE, so I started kiting, but, I went the wrong way, and found a Savage Beast elite pack. Couple charges later, the stuns left me in the middle of the group of khazra, and it was curtains.
Down to the Monk now. We'll see how long she lasts. I like her build a lot better. The WD was the class I had the least experience with anyway.
Down to the Monk now. We'll see how long she lasts. I like her build a lot better. The WD was the class I had the least experience with anyway.