What would you do to make WOW better?
I've had numerous discussions with people lately regarding what they like and dislike in games in general, and one that comes up frequently in my discussions is WOW.

Here is my short list (but not entire list -- I may add more to it later)

1) Make the world change as you do things in it, and make the world change incrementally according to an overall story arc. They've begun to do this for some quests where you would see something different during, or after a quest chain because you affected a change to the world. Tyr's hand is a good example. You go in and help eradicate the Scarlet zealotry, and then they are gone. You do get a sense of accomplishment.

2) Make dungeons and dungeon loot variable based upon level (or ranges). I would make the dungeon variable depending on the average iLvl of the party. Rather than restrict who can go where, when and then never to return. I'd make every mob scalable in abilities, health and damage over the full range of player levels, and attach an appropriate leveled loot table.

2a) same for zones. I would look to ways of making zones more useful for all levels of characters. Rather now, it's a big world with very few things to do at your particular level.

3) I would cut back on the number of items and instead create more synergies for crafting -- e.g. cloth, herbs, dust, etc. Every time they bumped up the level cap, they added whole new plethora of level based items. It creates odd commodity issues where copper, the low level ore sells more than higher level ores because fewer people are mining it anymore. They do some synergy stuff with metal, e.g. bronze, steel, felsteel.

4) I would cut PVP out of the skill tree into it's own separate talent option. You would still have your main build skills as well, but then be able to augment with selected PVP skills from the PVP talent tree (something like the simplified MOP choices -- every 10-15 levels choose a skill from A, B or C). They've already created most of the separation with penetration and resilience, and separate gear. If they would allow a clear separation in the skill tree, it would simplify both PVP and Non-PVP builds. You might even get rid of the Horde/Alliance thing and instead allow people to choose sides more 3rd party allegiances (e.g. Scryer vs Aldor). Make it possible to switch sides (and it doesn't have to be easy to gain rep -- but falling to neutral should be fast). I would also make PVP vendors offer BOA gear that is leveled and very average to enable people to jump into PVP more easily. Currently, you seem to either be a raider, or you do PVP -- I'd try to open it up to make it more accessible and fun for everyone to participate (both raiding and pvp btw).

What would you change?
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


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What would you do to make WOW better? - by kandrathe - 06-14-2012, 05:11 PM

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