Patching 1.0.2c -- potentially nerfed mob damage
(06-14-2012, 08:10 AM)RedRadical Wrote: Ok, I just came across a Champion Soul Lasher pack, and that build did me absolutely no good. And no, I'm not under geared because I can own everything else where I am playing at just fine. This is PURE game mechanics flaws and cheese, and nothing to do with player skill or items.

Also, I think "fast" is now at the top of my list as the most hated affix when playing a ranged char, overtaking the dreaded Vortex even.

Is your health at at least 35k and armor at at least 4500 (after Energy Armor is applied)? (Mine's at 45k and 5k, respectively in Act 3 hell)

I'm sorry, RedRadical, but I'm able to beat them. I'm not saying they're not a challenge, but you can beat them. It might take some time to get your twitch skills up to speed with using the various defensive skills, though. A lot of the effort with beating lashers and scavengers comes from trying to burn them down as fast as you can. The defensive skills are there in order to buy you time (and get to health globes, if you can). Yes, kiting them doesn't work very well if at all. But distracting them with the fractures and templar, burning them, diamond skinning and burning, hitting health globes and burning, does work.

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RE: Patching 1.0.2c -- potentially nerfed mob damage - by MongoJerry - 06-14-2012, 08:52 AM

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