Just noticed what the game is missing...
Yeah, the ability of cheaters to rationalise their actions always scares the Hell out of me. Going around saying you'll do anything you can get away with unpunished and the fact that you can do it is everyone's fault but yours...has some, let's say, uncomfortable ramifications if taken outside the context of gaming. Can you imagine hiring someone whose mentality is to get money and way they can get away with? Do I need to even parallel how this mindset could approach interpersonal relations?

I've never really understood the "win/get ahead at any cost" mindset. To me, it's not a victory if it wasn't done within the rules. I didn't cheat on tests, wouldn't backstab someone for a promotion, don't consider a game beaten if someone had to use Godmode to do it, and so on. I make several remarks about how few runes I ever got to play with in D2 - I got to use all of them at some point or other in modded D2, but that still "doesn't count" to me.

I think I have a silly obsession with honour, really.

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RE: Just noticed what the game is missing... - by ViralSpiral - 06-11-2012, 01:53 AM

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