06-09-2012, 12:23 AM
So I went to translate.google.com and put tournament into the english and randomly picked languages to translate it to to get my 3 toons. I had thought about just doing something like LLTourneyToon but decided these names gave a little more flair while still being descriptive. So for anyone that wants to follow my progress I present to you...
Giaidau - Female Wizard (Vietnamese, it's missing lots of the accents of course)
Kampjonat - Male Monk (Maltese)
Turnuva - Female Witch Doctor (Turkish)
I do hope to journal some of the adventures and share them with you all.
Giaidau - Female Wizard (Vietnamese, it's missing lots of the accents of course)
Kampjonat - Male Monk (Maltese)
Turnuva - Female Witch Doctor (Turkish)
I do hope to journal some of the adventures and share them with you all.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.