07-17-2003, 05:48 PM
You can start to find some pretty good stuff in Act 5 Nightmare difficulty. That is where I found my first Gaze, String of Ears, and Skin of the Viper Magi. I found that Bloody Foothills, Glacial Trail, and Ancients way are pretty good if there are multiple players in the game. Don't expect to find something every 10th monster killed, it takes many games with many hundreds or thousands of monster kills to find a good drop. Sometimes you can get lucky. I have a magic find dedicated level 90 amazon (as I love treasure hunting), she hunts almost exclusively in act 5 hell. As an example, in three consecutive games I found a Ribcracker, Lycanders Aim, Mara's Amulet, Pierre Tombale Couant, and a Corpsemourn. Then my luck turned, and in the next three games I found nothing of value and was killed and beaten horribly and lost 50 million experience and half my gold.