What are your impressions?
After finishing Normal with my Wizard, I returned to the Demon Hunter to give her another go. Though more play, and unlocking more, I believe I now have a far better feel for the class. I still believe it is a poorly-designed and less balanced class when compared to the Wizard, but it does seem to flow better now. I am still not really enjoying it, however, which really surprises me. Currently, I am using:

Primary: Entangling Shot. Actually pretty good, especially when combined with Cull the Weak, essentially making it a double-debuff. I still think Hungering Arrow/Scatter Shot is far more optimal, but Entangling Shot is more fun for me. I do not like any of the Runes, however; they are all pretty dull.
Secondary: Elemental Arrow. I was always going to use this, because Fire Arrow was my signature spell in Diablo II Wink I am very nonplussed by the Runes I have seen so far, but even the basic attack is nice. Far better balance than the over-priced Impale (Impact rocks, but still too expensive for what it does, and the other Runes do not compare), allows kiting unlike the dull Rapid Fire, and is easier to direct to maximise DPS than Chakram. Very much a case of the lesser of four lame skills, though.
Defence: I still cannot pick one. Caltrops is nice, but largely invalidated by using Entangling Shot. Smoke Screen is powerful, but dull and perhaps a little over-powered. Shadow Power is just pathetic, though perhaps latter Runes may make it appealing.
Hunter: Companion. While Marked for Death is nice (and my choice against Bosses), I like the `fire and forget' aspect here, especially given how valuable Discipline is. I see Vault as poorly designed, which is a shame, and still see Preparation as lame (perhaps in Nightmare or higher it may be more necessary?)
Devices: Sentry. Seems almost a no-brainer, really. It is essentially old-school Hydra in a mechanical form. Evasive Fire and Fan of Knives just do not compare, and I eventually found Spike Trap too expensive to justify.
Archery: Multishot. I think this is everyone's auto-pick. I do not see it at over-powered, personally, rather the other options are poorly designed/balanced in comparison. Multishot dramatically changes the class in such a way that makes me question the design (of the class, not the skill). If something is this good and makes such a big difference to play, does that not suggest that other skills need to be looked at to why they fail to provide alternatives (particularly as this is a relatively late skill)?
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.

Messages In This Thread
What are your impressions? - by Elric of Grans - 05-17-2012, 09:31 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Bizono - 05-17-2012, 10:44 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Tuftears - 05-18-2012, 12:06 AM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Mavfin - 05-18-2012, 02:29 AM
RE: What are your impressions? - by mistique - 05-18-2012, 08:09 AM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Mavfin - 05-18-2012, 01:17 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by ima_nerd - 05-18-2012, 02:26 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Lissa - 05-18-2012, 08:12 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Bizono - 05-18-2012, 08:24 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Mavfin - 05-19-2012, 02:09 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Roland - 05-19-2012, 02:21 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Mavfin - 05-19-2012, 02:29 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Elric of Grans - 05-22-2012, 12:58 AM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Mavfin - 05-22-2012, 04:10 AM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Lissa - 05-26-2012, 03:26 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by NuurAbSaal - 05-26-2012, 06:44 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by smegged - 06-02-2012, 01:04 AM
RE: What are your impressions? - by smegged - 06-05-2012, 12:03 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Kurosu - 06-10-2012, 05:04 AM
RE: What are your impressions? - by RiotInferno - 06-11-2012, 02:45 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Quark - 06-11-2012, 11:27 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by RiotInferno - 06-12-2012, 01:22 PM
RE: What are your impressions? - by Kurosu - 06-13-2012, 04:37 AM

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