05-19-2012, 02:21 AM
(05-19-2012, 02:13 AM)Elric of Grans Wrote: Perhaps it is just my personal experience has been odd, but I am yet to see a two-handed weapon with comparable DPS than dual-wielding (Demon Hunter and Wizard). They are always a good 5+ less DPS, in addition to the tactical issues longer waiting to kite and less procs. A Demon Hunter has WAY more DPS than the screen suggests with dual Hand Crossbows, as you can spam Hungering Arrows to get multiple missiles moving around at once, as opposed to one powerful hit at a time from a Heavy Crossbow (even with a Quiver).
On my monk I managed to find a rare Daibo that was actually more DPS than dual wielding so I switched up my skills a bit to take more advantage of the big heavy hitting weapon (exploding palm was quite awesome with it), but probably only a level or so later I was back to dual wielding and then switched up my skills again. Since I had extra spirit regen with the gear that I had with the daibo, I could go ahead and use the massive spirit dumps without having to use the quick spirit generators, but once I lost the extra spirit regen from the other gear it was trickier to get enough spirit to spam my daibo and had to resort to using fists of thunder again. For the monk gear decides my skills more than my personal preference. Or at least now that I've gotten my head out of somewhere dark and smelly and have gotten my HC girl higher level.
Intolerant monkey.