I was stupid enough to pre-order the CE from Amazon (because I like shinies more than I hate Blizzard, apparently, even though the thought of giving them any money makes me physically ill - no exaggeration), so I won't be on until 1-2 weeks after release. Even then, I only log into my computer once a week (excluding weekends) due to spending time with my girlfriend. However, weekends are an all-day all-night gaming affair for me, so expect to see plenty of action from me then. Drunk World of Tanks has been a blast with the Basin crew. I can only imagine what drunk Diablo III will be like (between Basin, LL and RB I can't wait for the shenanigans!)
Gnollguy, you're not a curmudgeon (or we both equally are, take your pick). The game, as it stands, is not worth massive playtime IMHO. However, I cannot say the same for the company you and I can expect to find while playing the game. I know for myself the opportunity to play alongside old and new friends in the Basin, Lurker Lounge, and Realms Beyond is worth the price of the game. Indeed, it's virtually the sole justification for me buying it. Granted, I have been itching for an action RPG game to play, but it's not as though I don't have other options, and World of Tanks plus Tribes: Ascend are enough to eat up all my free gaming time as it is now.
Gnollguy, you're not a curmudgeon (or we both equally are, take your pick). The game, as it stands, is not worth massive playtime IMHO. However, I cannot say the same for the company you and I can expect to find while playing the game. I know for myself the opportunity to play alongside old and new friends in the Basin, Lurker Lounge, and Realms Beyond is worth the price of the game. Indeed, it's virtually the sole justification for me buying it. Granted, I have been itching for an action RPG game to play, but it's not as though I don't have other options, and World of Tanks plus Tribes: Ascend are enough to eat up all my free gaming time as it is now.
Roland *The Gunslinger*