I'm confused about the American Republican party
(02-29-2012, 08:22 AM)eppie Wrote: Still I find it rather odd. Did he really make this statement and is he still agreeing with it?
He was making the case, awkwardly, that rights do not manifest from membership of a special class. He was looking to foundational views of natural law.

He fails to account for systematic injustice put on the minority by the majority, which civil rights legislation attempts to resolve. Our problem in the US was resolved with national civil rights laws, to dislodge institutional racism within the state and local governments. It was more of a problem where the states and localities had segregation laws, and people were victimized by their government, and not protected by the courts.

We've touched on this before; Does a person, or a business owner have the right to be a bigot, racist, or in this case ignore harrassment. Should the government go in to force a private person or business to think correctly, or face punishment by the government?

The idea being that without legislation, most of the public will decide not to work there, and it will affect the reputation of the businesss and their products/services. From a hiring perspective, if a business refuses to hire a better qualified candidate due to bigotry against a minority (woman, ethnic, religious, etc), then the better qualified candidate will go work for another place, who over time (having the better candidates) would win in the marketplace. Also, the bigoted organization would need to deal with the negative stigma of being bigoted. It only works this way when racism, sexism, and bigotry are viewed negatively by the public at large.

I alluded to this in my statement before. Sometimes libertarians get caught out looking stupid or brutal, as they attempt to strictly adhere to the principles of individual liberty, and attempt to envision nearly zero need for government intervention in our lives. Looking stupid and/or brutal is problem that all ideologues have, whether they are libertarians, progressives or revolutionary radical leftists.

In practice, as expressed in legislation, all sides come together and create reasonable laws. From my perspective they err on the side of caretaking too much, not resolving root issues, and are short sighted when it comes to a systematic method of paying for their largess.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by kandrathe - 02-29-2012, 02:53 PM

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