I'm confused about the American Republican party
As someone who finds themselves with toes and fingers dangling in the pools of both parties 'stances' I to find it very interesting the way that the parties line up, and go about doing things. Its probably because my father, a former Pastor and staunch republican, lists his favorite U.S. President of all time, and one of the men who he thought had the right ideas for the country as JFK, one of the "legends" so to speak to Democrats.

I can also tell you, the big reason that my father, and a lot of the "uber conservative" people that he is associated with are Republicans all comes down to a single thing. Abortion. Republicans banter about the idea of working to overturn Roe V Wade and it gets the Christian Conservative votes. Often times, at least in a conservative bible thumping area like North Central Ohio, that is the only thing many 'Normal Americans*' look at when choosing a candidate.

But, I stress, that this is probably a localized opinion. I don't enjoy talking politics or religion with many people because my childhood has left me with some really bizarre opinions about things (Growing up the son of a pastor in the Foursquare Gospel Church in the 1980's will do that), so I don't talk about it with friends very often. So I don't have opinions from people outside of the region I grew up in.

The Tea Party is rampant around here, and I shudder in fear if the Tea Party around here and their fear mongering hate speak campaigns are representative of the movement across the country. While they talk about the Tea Party Ideals, most of the "information meetings" that they have brought to the area have been racially / socio-economically motivated, and have drawn ire from even some of the more moderate people in the area.

*Normal Americans is used as a generalization of those who don't actively follow politics on a grand level. Those who read about it in papers, watch a debate or two at most, and are not nearly the type of people who would ever find themselves in a conversation about politics on a place like the lounge.
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RE: I'm confused about the American Republican party - by shoju - 02-09-2012, 04:13 PM

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