This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke
(10-24-2011, 01:54 AM)Treesh Wrote: It is quite a hit and I never got angry at any of my friends who ended up out of work and still making more than I am. It just bothers me a bit that folks seem to feel so much is their right rather than a privilege, that luxuries become needs, so when they do take a hit in the wallet that's more than what they are used to it becomes "Oh the world isn't fair! I can't live off of this!" when there are so many others who are living off of less every day (although in my case, it's because of my own choices and actions so I really can't complain that I have it bad. I've got everything I need and I love my life. =) ). And some of those same people are the ones who fight against anyone else getting to taste some of those little luxuries, like not having to worry about being able to pay for regular doctor/dentist checkups or choose between eating and a doctor's visit.

Just a little rant against the whole "I am undone for I have not everything I'm used to, but it's still far more than a lot of other people have".

Edit: Missed a couple of keystrokes here and there. I know, I know. It's horribly shocking.

I think you are using examples, extreme examples, to prove a point.
There will always be people who don't really need these benefits, misuse benefits or get too much, but that is no reason to be against a certain system. Most of the people deserve their benefits in a sense that society tries to support the ones that are worst of (and as deebye pointed out, they probably have paid taxes for it when the still worked).

I personally rather have some people getting unemployment benefits who don't really deserve it then having more people being poor because the can't get any help.

In India those people that dismantle old ships, make long hours under bad circumstances. They don't get old because of dangers and poverty, they will never have the chance of becoming a hardworking CEO with bonus package........yes there are always people that are worse of.


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RE: This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke - by eppie - 10-24-2011, 06:52 PM

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