This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke
(10-13-2011, 01:32 PM)kandrathe Wrote: As for cosmology... Well, no one is running around with trumpets announcing the numerous failures of the Big Bang theory, and the many holes we've proven(with science) to be untrue about it. In order to support it, "scientists" invent unseen, unproven processes such as baryogenesis, to fill in the gaps. We are supposed to take it on faith that the universe is filled with dark matter, and things are moved by an unknown. unmeasured force called dark energy. Doesn't this seem a little more mystical than science?

"Popular Science" suffers the same issues as everything else the media gets it's hands on. It gets dumbed down to try and convey it to as broad of an audience as possible.

Dark energy and dark matter are no considered to be a truth by any serious scientist. In fact if you really read into it you see people studying this saying "dark can be read as a code word for we don't know". However as part of a THEORY it is gives you a framework to test things against. A framework that has changed simply because it wasn't taken as an absolute truth to begin with! The Big Bang Theory fit the observations the best, but it didn't cover everything so people tested what it postulated. They observed that the universe was accelerating in it's expansion. Hmm that means the theory is wrong.

So given what they knew they came up with another thought and are devising tests to see if that fits or not. It's a theory. Yes the best theories get used like they are true because starting from an existing point can be very valuable.

If you want to improve your house do you knock it down and rebuild from scratch or do you remodel or do you add an expansion? The answer varies depending on the condition of the house, how much you need or want to make, how much land you have. Scientific theories are the same way. There were several houses built on the Big Bang floor plan. Some people see that it sill explains a lot of what we've been able to observe, but that it's still too small, it doesn't explain why the universe is still accelerating. So they are building an addition. Others look at the floor plan and say, this doesn't work at all for my family so I'm tearing it down and going with this new floor plan of dark matter and dark energy and super strings and whatever else.

Quantum Mechanics got the same type of criticisms, even from some of the people who helped make the question spring up, the most famous being Einstein and his "God doesn't play dice with the universe", and yet now we are actually using quantum entanglement for practical uses.

Science teachers have failed to get some of this point across, media-ization of science has helped reinforce it, other failures in general education have contributed as well. But a fundamental concept of science is that it's fine to QUESTION EVERYTHING and then use observable, measurable information to see if your thought was right, wrong, or indeterminate. Yes this does mean that may be working from a theory that is wrong because we can't test it closely enough (Newtonian physics on scales other than what it was built off of it just wrong but you need to be able to measure things at other levels) but that doesn't mean you still can't learn something new or valuable.

Sometimes yes, you do have go on faith, work from something that seems right but really hasn't been able to really be tested because there isn't a way to test it yet and there may never be. You can even question it. But again you can still learn and discover and progress so you do. You don't always want to reinvent the wheel, but you also don't want to feel that the wheel is the only way to get around. That's the whole point.

OK rant off.

You'll note nothing I said should have had any impact on if there is a god or not. There are plenty of things that exist that we can't measure. That's part of the point you want to question to try and find these sometimes. Or you want to question because things just don't seem to fit right. A god could be there, a god may not be there. God could be dark energy. That's a perfectly valid theory. It's pretty much impossible to test right now though so it could be hard to gain traction.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.

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RE: This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke - by Kevin - 10-13-2011, 02:52 PM

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