This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke
(10-10-2011, 04:42 AM)kandrathe Wrote: It doesn't need to be a war. If you throw the facts out there and let people make up their own minds, then its not threatening. It's not threatening for either side. But, if we continue to widen the divide between them, things only get worse. You end up with Branch Davidians, the Raelian cult, Heaven's Gate, Ted Kazinsky, Neo-Luddism or eventually sectarian led riots and violence. Scientists need to stop being another faction, and patiently consider the unbelievers as prospective allies rather than enemies. I'd rather trust my public school to present the information in a way that doesn't force my child to choose between evangelical fundamentalism, and militant activists for New Atheism. Because if that's how we draw the sides, all of our children will be schooled at home, or in a factional cloister unprepared to deal with the reality of diversity of thought.

Scientist are not a faction in this. Scientist do research and deal with facts. Mainly because they think (and they are correct) that science helps us advance our society. They develop new medicine, cleaner cars, solar panels etc. children should learn as early as possible how to think scientifically for it will help them and society in general in increasing our wellbeing.
You can teach evolution because it is a fact not because some people believe in it.

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RE: This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke - by eppie - 10-10-2011, 08:49 AM

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