This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke
(10-10-2011, 04:42 AM)kandrathe Wrote:
(10-10-2011, 12:36 AM)DeeBye Wrote: I've seen this argument before, and it always strikes me as a way of religious people to get their religious beliefs thrust into the teaching of science through the back door.

It doesn't need to be a war. If you throw the facts out there and let people make up their own minds,

Good advise. Pardon my ire, but if any person, any at all of the Judeo-Christian faith actually "read" the bible instead of letting it's verses be indoctrinated into them, maybe they would know "the facts". The contradictions in the creation in Genesis alone could be pointed out by a preschooler. And, no offense to any Christians out there, why anyone would call themselves believers in Christ when the bible itself proves Christ could not be Jews messiah? This is not heresy, but fact - check my document:

See my chapter on Jesus' Ancestry and Jesus Contradictions. (FYI, underlined texts are clickable links to other parts of the doc or to online reference)

Myths and legends are fine to use as teaching tools, but in no way do I want these sexist**, prejudice**, and racist** fantasies projected in the classroom as fact! And to comment on what you said here:

Quote:I'd rather trust my public school to present the information in a way that doesn't force my child to choose between evangelical fundamentalism, and militant activists for New Atheism.

It's not about teaching children Atheism, but just teaching them science. It's up to the parents to indoctrinate their children into their own belief structure. Why you even bring up schools teaching kids Atheism is beyond me... trying to make a point Kath? Because it's not about schools teaching "either or", it's about them leaving religion out of schools - a concept seemingly beyond your comprehension so far in this thread.

Quote:Science is clearly about observable phenomena, and religion is clearly about spiritual phenomena. Religions primary function is describe the relationship between man and his Creator.

Have fun reading my short document. If that doesn't enlighten you to the problems in the Judeo-Christian "religion", I don't know what will.

** I'd be more than happy to provide tons of links for you proving both old and new testament support for: 1) women subjugating themselves to their husbands and not being allowed to partake in ceremonies which led to their discrimination even in America until only last century, 2) racism, prejudice, and xenophobia towards any non-Abraham lineage resulting in the current state of the middle east, and the hate Muslims feel towards anyone who is not of their race or religion.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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RE: This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke - by Taem - 10-10-2011, 06:25 AM

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