This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke
(10-08-2011, 09:10 PM)Jester Wrote: I didn't start this.
Neither did I. But, I was offended by your implications of my defense of bigots.

Quote:I haven't mentioned Eppie.
You're defending his position for him.

Quote:Or, maybe, people have complex opinions and cannot just be conveniently labeled by him, or you.
I'm not labeling anyone, I'm leaving room for a multitude of reasons including your assumption, and those are both positive and negative.

Quote: Sauce for the goose, amigo.
No, just hurtful allegations.

Quote:If you don't like it, don't start it.
Or, we could discuss it like mature adults.

Quote:Tell me, what is exactly the threshold number of followers required to be Christian? Or even generically religious? I would have thought zero.
He doesn't claim to be an outraged follower, he is the pastor and grand leader of his twisted sect. It is "Westboro Baptist Church" that lends credibility, otherwise it would just be the ravings of an old crackpot and his deluded children. But, they are in no way associated with any Baptist organization, and they are only a church in that it allows them tax exempt status and use their outrageous behavior to act out the worst behavior of humanity, to rampage through the society and earn a living from the being a freak show.

Quote:Save your innuendo about what you think Christ was like...
And, how many times in his 33 years did he go make any trouble at the temple? Once. And, that one time has a clear explanation. It was an act to express his outrage at the blasphemy of moneychangers, and animal dung filling the holy temple.

It in no way resembles what Fred Phelps does. In fact, he was surrounded and sought out the dregs of society, rather than associate with the ascetics, or the pharisees. I think the modern equivalent of how they ministered then is more this guy.

Here a good understanding of my impression of what a Christian is...
Quote:Among us you will find uneducated persons, craftsmen, and old women, who, if they are unable in words to prove the benefit of our doctrine, yet by their deeds exhibit the benefit arising from their persuasion of its truth. They do not rehearse speeches, but exhibit good works; when struck, they do not strike again; when robbed, they do not go to law; they give to those that ask of them, and love their neighbors as themselves. (A Plea for the Christians 11) -- Athenagoras, A.D. 177
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: This is why Westboro Baptist Church is a joke - by kandrathe - 10-08-2011, 10:28 PM

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