GC's Blog about wanting threat stats to matter for tanks.
I have more to add to this, but I want to let something sit out there. Last night, Tanking Halfus, I was #2 on DPS / Damage done on the encounter. Why? Because I was the halfus tank, so I was on him the whole fight, and he gets a bonus damage taken per drake. (we killed two) I pulled in over 24k DPS on the fight in a threat spec, with my normal tank gearing (the only difference between what I have on right now on the armory, and what I was wearing is bracers).

For mastery to be fixed to be more like dodge and parry, it would need to be changed so that for shield tanks a blocked hit is more than 30/40%. Mastery is king right now. I personally enjoy having a block mechanic that doesn't suck. I know it is too good, but it feels good to see that massive amount of block and know that it has a noticable impact on my TTL.

For me, the easiest solution is to just cut mastery in half, and see where it needs to move from there. Cutting it in half would probably mean good / great tanks can do what they have always done, and be just fine, while tanks who aren't "top notch" will need some threat stats. I know that is an overly simplistic solution, but that is the jist of the idea. Find a spot where Vengeance is enough for the creme de la creme tanks to cover there needs, and adjust to that. Once you have that, then everyone else can "choose" how much threat they need.

Hit rating is such a "meh" stat for me. How in the world can I miss the 50 foot tall freak of nature that I'm beating on? Seriously? He is right there. I can smell his B.O.! How can I miss him? That is a rant for another time though. Not landing an attack because the boss dodges/parries, that is more interesting than my character not being able to hit something bigger than the broad side of a barn.
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RE: GC's Blog about wanting threat stats to matter for tanks. - by shoju - 03-31-2011, 11:41 PM

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