Shoju's "Guaranteed to tank heroics" Gear Set. Thought I would share.
(02-18-2011, 09:38 PM)Tal Wrote: I'm curious about your last statement. The Primordial Mound gives much needed hit.

I have yet to find a time where I "need" hit. Even after the changes to paladins that mean we need hit and expertise to make sure we have HoPo generation on a semi consistent basis, Bulwark of the Primordial Mound comes in Dead last in hit, and combat table coverage. While it does have avoidance, The avoidance pales in Comparison for CTC going against the shields on the list, including the the Shield of the iron Maiden.

If I had a 333 shield, I certainly wouldn't pass up the Bulwark, but I wouldn't replace my other 346's with it, and I wouldn't use it over either of the 359's.

Until Blizzard does something to reign Vengeance in, Threat just isn't an issue, even going through a string of 3-4 missed / dodged / parried Crusader Strikes, which in turn delayed Shield of the Righteous / Word of Glory by a significant amount, I was never in any danger of losing threat, or dying from a lack of self heals.

Another reason for my lack of "love" for hit pieces is the shear amount of rating you need to make a significant contribution at this point. On Shoju, I reforged all my gear to hit when the change went live, and I was only able to add 2.96% hit, which didn't cap me. I started over, and was able to get my expertise very close to the dodge cap (I was at 25 prior to picking up a few new pieces this week that I haven't reforged) using the same method of reforging.

I also have yet to be relied on as the sole interrupter on a raid boss yet, but if I were going to be the sole interrupt, I would focus on making sure that I had AS off CD as much as possible as a backup to Rebuke missing. Back to back misses, while not unheard of, is a pretty low % chance in a case like that.
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RE: Shoju's "Guaranteed to tank heroics" Gear Set. Thought I would share. - by shoju - 02-18-2011, 09:50 PM

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