on second note, i think the blind curse may have been a better choice than terror to use. For if they cannot see you, they are not moving, and it has the added benefit of stopping ranged attackers from laying the smack down on you till you can get in range and poison them. And when still, and potentially right beside corpses of their friends, you ought to be able to use poison explosion to great effect and catch them in the hugely damaging and small cloud.
Dim vision has a healthy range of 15.3 yards at lvl 20, were terror is fixed at a measly 2.6 yards.
Plus even at lvl 99, i successfully hit hell frenzytaurs with terror, with no effect! They did not flee from me. The monster level/char level curve of this spell is greatly hampering it. If it cannot be usefull even at lvl 99
Dim vision has a healthy range of 15.3 yards at lvl 20, were terror is fixed at a measly 2.6 yards.
Plus even at lvl 99, i successfully hit hell frenzytaurs with terror, with no effect! They did not flee from me. The monster level/char level curve of this spell is greatly hampering it. If it cannot be usefull even at lvl 99