Shoju's "Guaranteed to tank heroics" Gear Set. Thought I would share.
I have given some thoughts to how I'm going about the rep grind, and I have decided I will be going:

1.) Dragonmaw to Exalted.
2.) Ramkahen to Exalted.
3.) Guardian's of Hyjal to Exalted.
4.) Therazane to Exalted.
5.) Earthen Ring to finis.

Here is why.

There are 4 tanking heads that are ilvl 346.
The Justice Point helm is very str heavy, and threat right now is not a concern.
The Helm of Setesh is also more statted for threat.
The Helm from H:UP wouldn't be bad, but it is a drop, and with questing in the twilight highlands and a few normals while getting geared for heroics, you can easily pick up the dragonmaw head frist.

The epic Tank boots are a very nice piece, and look like a worthwhile Epic that will last until you either get Heroic Raiding Boots, or T12.

The Ramkahen.
There is the ring at revered, but I have a feeling that I could live without it. BUT, in blizzard's super awesome way, they yet again only put one pair of tank bracers in T11 content. These bracers are very nice pieces even lacking a socket. I feel comfortable saying that these again will last a very long time in T11 content.

Guardian's of Hyjal.
This again is less about the neck, and more about the cloak. The Cloak from Leatherworking is technically a better piece, but at this point, very expensive. As a guaranteed piece, you can't go wrong with this cloak.

Therazane / Earthen Ring.
Rep enchants are very powerful, and good enchanting makes you a better tank. But, the upgrade in enchant from the WotLK to the Cata enchant is not as marginal as the gear upgrades are, and the RDF doesn't look at enchants when determining if you are heroic ready sadly.

While I plan to have all the reps maxed before Lurkers are storming T11, I do think that working through the list in this fashion will net me the best results.
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RE: Shoju's "Guaranteed to tank heroics" Gear Set. Thought I would share. - by shoju - 12-16-2010, 05:27 PM

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