I live in a snowbelt. It sucks to be me.
I live in southern Ontario, Canada. I am surrounded by 3 of the Great Lakes. "Lake Effect" snow is troublesome for us. This year, it is more troublesome than usual. Last week we had 5 feet of snow in a 3-day span. It was harsh. Then we had a brief reprieve from the snow. I think I even had a day when I did not have to shovel.

It started snowing again today, rather heavily. I went out and brushed off both cars and shoveled out the driveway, thinking the snow was going to slow down.

Well, about AN HOUR LATER I looked outside and...

[Image: cKUoi.jpg]

Those two cars on the left were virtually snow-free, and the driveway was clear. We got that much snow in one hour. It's about 6"-8" deep, and the snow is still going strong.

I just back from shoveling my driveway for the 3rd time in the last 4 hours, and it looks like I never even touched it.

If the beer store is closed tomorrow due to all this snow I am going to punch something.

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I live in a snowbelt. It sucks to be me. - by DeeBye - 12-15-2010, 04:57 AM

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