11-29-2010, 02:33 PM
(11-29-2010, 01:50 PM)Sabra Wrote: It seems initially that cloth and what can be made from it will be based on Embersilk.
In TBC to get the best bang for the buck on bags | 2 pieces of cloth instead of just one per transmute | tailors specced mooncloth. In WoLK is was Neatherweave.
I'm not finding anything based on Embersilk that shows potential for returning 2 pieces of cloth per transmute in Catacylsm. I'm not finding anything that suggests which spec would be best to adopt for bag creation. If hazarding a guess, I'd say spellcloth.
Who knows what about 2 for 1 tranmutes?
Hello there,
What I understand about tailoring is that you will create Dreamcloth by 6 different spells. These are soulbound to the tailor and each of the different dream spells transmute 1 cloth. The cool down is one week for each of the transmutes except for one (Dream of Destruction). Dream of Destruction will use Chaos Orbs (the new frozen orbs). Here is a list of the different spells used to create the cloth.
Dream of Azshara
Dream of Deepholm
Dream of Destruction
Dream of Hyjal
Dream of Ragnaros
Dream of Skywall
I expect that the items created by these will be at a premium price because you won't be able to buy or sell the cloth on the auction house. It appears they have taken a different approach this time compared to the previous expansions.