11-29-2010, 01:50 PM
It seems initially that cloth and what can be made from it will be based on Embersilk.
In TBC to get the best bang for the buck on bags | 2 pieces of cloth instead of just one per transmute | tailors specced mooncloth. In WoLK is was Neatherweave.
I'm not finding anything based on Embersilk that shows potential for returning 2 pieces of cloth per transmute in Catacylsm. I'm not finding anything that suggests which spec would be best to adopt for bag creation. If hazarding a guess, I'd say spellcloth.
Who knows what about 2 for 1 tranmutes?
In TBC to get the best bang for the buck on bags | 2 pieces of cloth instead of just one per transmute | tailors specced mooncloth. In WoLK is was Neatherweave.
I'm not finding anything based on Embersilk that shows potential for returning 2 pieces of cloth per transmute in Catacylsm. I'm not finding anything that suggests which spec would be best to adopt for bag creation. If hazarding a guess, I'd say spellcloth.
Who knows what about 2 for 1 tranmutes?