08-31-2010, 11:41 PM
Hey Lurkers,
My name is Thad and I have been posting over at the paladin board Maintankadin with Shoju for the past two years.
I posted on those forums that I might be looking to do a server/faction xfer for a good guild that can meet my raiding needs for Cataclysm and Shoju suggested that I might be interested in Lurkers.
I am 41, married, 4 kids and only choose to play WoW 1 night a week as I spend other nights of the week with my non-WoW playing wife and kids. I know that makes me a challenge to raid with but Shoju's description of your EP/GP system and fairly casual approach to raiding has my interest.
I currently have 3 toons at level 80, all Alliance side on Aerie Peak.
Bloodlight, Holy Paladin (Ret off-spec), 3.1k WHgs holy set
Bloodtrees, Resto Druid (Boom off-spec), 2.9k WHgs resto set
Bloodheals, Disc Priest (Holy off-spec), 2.8k WHgs healing set
Raid times don't match up exactly (I would prefer to raid 7-10 your server time instead of 8-11 but I might be flexible) and I only raid Mon - Thurs so 2 of your raid nights work but not the weekend. Obviously, some challenges but nothing that might not be overcome.
Anyway, I appreciate your time and look forward to learning more about your guild.
My name is Thad and I have been posting over at the paladin board Maintankadin with Shoju for the past two years.
I posted on those forums that I might be looking to do a server/faction xfer for a good guild that can meet my raiding needs for Cataclysm and Shoju suggested that I might be interested in Lurkers.
I am 41, married, 4 kids and only choose to play WoW 1 night a week as I spend other nights of the week with my non-WoW playing wife and kids. I know that makes me a challenge to raid with but Shoju's description of your EP/GP system and fairly casual approach to raiding has my interest.
I currently have 3 toons at level 80, all Alliance side on Aerie Peak.
Bloodlight, Holy Paladin (Ret off-spec), 3.1k WHgs holy set
Bloodtrees, Resto Druid (Boom off-spec), 2.9k WHgs resto set
Bloodheals, Disc Priest (Holy off-spec), 2.8k WHgs healing set
Raid times don't match up exactly (I would prefer to raid 7-10 your server time instead of 8-11 but I might be flexible) and I only raid Mon - Thurs so 2 of your raid nights work but not the weekend. Obviously, some challenges but nothing that might not be overcome.
Anyway, I appreciate your time and look forward to learning more about your guild.