[split] Stormrage Lurker Guild Discussion - Formerly known as Cat Beta
(07-23-2010, 08:32 PM)--Pete Wrote: Hi,
PS If you reply with another post containing the word "f***", I will put you on my ignore list. And I will petition for you to be booted, if not from the guild, from the fora. If you can't be civil, be quiet.

Hi Pete - That was in a private forum with a select group base who don't mind R rated language. As Zyn has used such language sparingly on the public forums I ask that you recognize that and not drag that into the public forum.

It is also abundantly clear that you don't care for Zyn. I would ask you (as I have already asked him) to try to co-exist. You don't have to like each other - you don't even have to read each other's posts - but you do have to get along with each other. At least publicly.

I'm sorry that you haven't seen some of the variant scum activities that Lurkers have taken part in. We've done all paladin raids in classic, an all druid raid in TBC and I've taken part in an assault on a horde town armed with pitchforks and torches.

Now on to the purpose of this thread. I moved the posts out because I was tired of the incessant sniping from Lavcat about a decision I made in 2005. Two thousand and five. For those of you keeping score at home that was five years ago. And, frankly, I'm tired of it. I make the best decisions I can with the information at hand and the best interests of what the majority of the guild wants in mind. I stand by those decisions. Have I made mistakes. You bet I have. Best I can do is to learn from them and try to avoid making them again. I'm only human.

I've gotten quite a few PMs from Mav explaining his decision to leave the guild and the server. I still don't understand his reasons - and frankly at this point I'm not trying real hard TO understand. I like Mav. I respect him and I wish him the best in whatever he does. But I'm not going to angst over decisions he made in regards to where the enjoyment is in this game for him. I have to worry about my enjoyment and the guild's health.

In closing - I'm not opposed to talking about Lurker culture and whether it is still alive and well in the Lurkers on Stormrage. I AM opposed to having snide remarks made about my ability to lead the Lurkers on Stormrage. It's disrespectful to me and the Lurkers who voted for me to take on the reins.

I've faced a lot of drama in this game and have tried at every turn to treat everyone fairly and equally. I've tried at every turn to make sure that EVERY Lurker has the opportunity to solo, to pvp, to explore, to raid 10 mans or to do 25 mans. And I will continue to do so as long as the Lurkers on Stormrage will have me.


Messages In This Thread
RE: [split] Stormrage Lurker Guild Discussion - Formerly known as Cat Beta - by Tal - 07-23-2010, 11:24 PM

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