Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused!
(07-19-2010, 11:19 AM)Crusader Wrote: What I hope is that Blizz will reconsider how easy it is to get epics. I liked the classic model better. Greens are normal, to be replaced with blues in dungeons (I would include heroics) and epics only in 25-40 man raids (and no silly badge system). Now there's nothing epic about epics, while in classing an epic item actually meant something. Now everyone who puts a few hours in it can walk around in a full epic set with little effort. There's no meaning to it any more. And now, when I want to raid some kid yells things about my gearscore. My standard reply is that my skillscore is greater then his.

I disagree. I recently decided to swap to my Paladin as my main in Cataclysm. As a result I was able to use heroic drops and badges to get her in raiding shape in surprisingly short order. It didn't feel as grindy as the swap from the paladin to the warrior in classic.

Add in dual spec and you need a full epic set for your secondary spec and it becomes even harder to gear up.

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RE: Cataclysm NDA Lifted! Beta Begins! Exclamation points abused! - by Tal - 07-19-2010, 01:34 PM

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